Cross International Catholic Outreach Seeks to bring Christ's Gospel of hope to the poorest of the poor. Cross International works through local parishes and church-based ministries serving the poor and distribute material aid through their existing programs. In this way, we can supply meaningful help where it is needed most.

Assisting Catholic Pastors and Deacons with resources for Sunday Homily
 and sermon preparation by providing links to Catholic web sites.        Catholic Homily Resources       Homilías Católicas y Sitios Sermones

Catholic Homily Resources
Home Sunday Homilies Year B
Daily Homilies 
Suggested Homily Preparation

1.  Read the Collect prayer to find the "theme" of the Church's teaching in the readings and prayers for the Mass.

2. Take note of the relationship of the theme in the Old Testament reading and the theme in the Gospel. The readings were chosen by the Church to teach the theme of the Sunday. It is especially useful is to recognize and expound on the Biblical Type contained in the Old Testament which prepares and adds understanding to the Gospel.

The use of the Old Testament type in the homily will help add fullness to the explanation of the Gospel.

3. Review the biblical reflections for the Sunday at Dr. Scott Hahn's "Breaking the Bread" shown on the home page of this web site, and Fr. Cantalamessa homily for examples of how the Sunday theme is used in a sermon. Also see the St. Charles Borromeo web site link on the home page of this site for additional background information on the readings.

4. If desired, create a working document by cutting and pasting from most websites.

Open an empty document, use left mouse button to highlight selection, use right mouse button to cut and paste into your document.

Saint of the Day


Fr. Al Lauer (1947 - 2002)

Founder of Presentation Ministries

“One Bread, One Body”

See also the Saint of the day.

Fr. Cantalamessa is a Fransiscan Capucin Priest.

In 1980 he was appointed by Pope John Paul II

as Preacher to the Papal Household in which

capacity he still serves.

Biblical Reflection Resources

"Breaking the Bread" Biblical reflections on the Sunday Mass readings by Dr. Scott Hahn, President of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.  A good place to start to understand the relationships between the Old Testament, Psalms, and Gospel, and what the Church chose the readings to express the theme of the Sunday.

St. Charles Borromeo Parish "Bible Study" with lessons coordinated with the Lectionary Readings.

Fr. Cantalamessa -- Revitalizing Youth

Fr. Cantalamessa -- A Prophet Without Honor
Fr. Cantalamessa -- On The Apostolic Mission
Fr. Cantalamessa -- On How to Live Vacation
Fr. Cantalamessa -- Waste Not
Fr. Cantalamessa – Give Us This Bread Always
Fr. Cantalamessa -- On Bread and Wine
Fr. Cantalamessa -- On Marital Submission
St. Charles Borromeo Bible Study for Sunday
Fr. Cantalamessa – Ecology of the Heart
13th Ord 14th Ord 15th Ord 16th Ord 17th Ord 18th Ord 19th Ord 20th Ord 22nd Ord 21st Ord Assumption Pope Benedict XVI – Homily on Assumption